
Almond Water

Almond Water für Minecraft von TealProjects

<span style='font-style: italic; '>Almond Water</span><br><span class='potion_list'><span class='potion_positif'>Regeneration VI (2:00)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Fire Resistance (2:00)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Absorption V (2:00)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Saturation X</span><br/></span><br><span class='tooltip_lore'>Commonly found in the backrooms, this drink will basically give you immunity over certain entities when you encounter them and will regain your sanity.</span><br/>
Almond Water
Von TealProjectsTealProjects
Commonly found in the backrooms, this drink will basically give you immunity over certain entities when you encounter them and will regain your sanity.

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