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Barrier Crafting
I'm going on vacation so I won't make anything until tomorrow.
by AftrInfinity
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Andree Vanal:Kaltes Blut
AndreeVannal Kaltes Blut!...
Hes original name should beVannal 13_56 13:56 07.11.2017.
You might think there is no reason that he is Equipet with those item s but... He comes out of an versioN/World where there is no woodland mansion.
You dd did kill the owners and people in there for the tresure : He lost he ,s (/His) Home and was going on an travel:And he will tell everone about you.
He should follow you from 500 blocks far but that coems in an update:He shouldspawn if you want to have a challenge In a group of:20 or 14Illagers of your choice but not Him multiple times ok!? 13:58
by ernstehrlich
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