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Pizza world
World of pizza?!
sister location
nine days left!
by otoon
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gahst boss
DEFEAT IT... then make a nice 'lil beacon
by MackeyDad
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OP Atom Bomb!
CRAZY! DO NOT spawn anywhere near any important buildings, homes, or structures.
by Mo_Rees
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The story of year 2913
The story of year 2913 was on many years you think yes! But all peoples wasnt alive... hmm a village the ghost scared all villagers but the villagers come to the leaderworker house... the door was of iron, but the ghost try to open the door, but can't. 344 years earlier... the ghost escaped of the prison but the year 2913 yet have any peoples alive, like me... i try to kill the ghost but more 896 years is very time, but i got a time overclocker so i can't die in more then 120 years... so 32 minutes i call the police to get the ghost back to prison... end
by Rickmonas90
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