Loot tables generator
Generate loot tables in Minecraft
Choose an item or block to include in your custom loot
Choose an item or block to include in your custom loot
Higher is this value, higher is the chance to choose this item
Items stack size
More options
Add a condition to this option
A big number for precious items (a big value add chances for players with luck points), a negative value for junks.
XP point to send to the enchantment table to enchant this item
Add a condition to this option
Choose one or more enchantment that can be apply. (No enchantment = All enchantments are available)
Add a condition to this option
% item damage
Add a condition to this option
Data value for this item
Add a condition to this option
Specify custom NBT tags (Value between brace {} in commands)
Add a condition to this option
Item number to add for each looting enchantment level
Add a condition to this option
Virtualy smelt item
Add a condition to this option
This item will not be include in the global quantity counter. This option allow you to add custom condition for the item
Add a condition to this option
Only if the entity is in fire
Which entity must be in fire?
Which score(s) must have the entity?
Which entity affect the score?
Add a score
Only if entity is killed by a player
Define percentage chance
What's the chance to add for each looting enchantment level?
Loot tables can define custom loots (items/blocks set), choosed randomly respecting some rules. You want a chest with 5 to 10 random colorized wool bloc inside? Loots tables are made for that! You want a mod drop a sword with a custom enchantment only when a player kill it? Loots tables are the solution!All is random, for the most of options you can choose a range: the game will choose a random value inside this range.

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Content of your Custom Loot Table
Example of use of this loot table