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All contents created on Minecraft Tools

Angered gods
just to troll people when they go in your base
by roosterthereaper
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Glaze the mutand Ghast (wehn nature gets mad at you) Mini Boss!
every off those bosses and creatures that i create will become an Entity data command. this here will come if you killed 50 ghast.
Best is to summon him in the nether because he is strong fast and deadly. he cant die by going into walls an other Things. J-just dont go to an Portal he can squeeze himself in it.
Drops:Raw Ghast meat/Raw mutton.32x
Iron Skin/Iron Ingots.64x
Seriusly spawn him where he belongs.
Story: The ghast became too weak and are dying out nature sends there new Evolution to survive. Show nature who the real Monster is and DESTROY THEM!
by ernstehrlich
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It was a copy from "Minecraft planet" banner. I tried to make it like saturn "Minecraft Saturn" But it was already uploaded. After clicking randomly, i randomly created a never created before in minecraft burger. I created this truly randomly!!
by Andreaslag
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Sith Lord Mini Boss (4 Hits with Diamond Sword)
It's A Star Wars mini-boss! Drops A Sith Robe and most of the time 2 Lightsabers!
by BishopTrooper
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