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Jack soft:A bone hard fight:Kaltes Blut:The monster extension Pa
Ya know a skeleton that,
Lost everything on your costs And will not be calm untilk ehh until youre dead i amde this one 12:56 0,7 11 2017
and better try to hide he doesnt like Humans very much:Dangers :Dont attak him in the first 30 seconds if you loodeked at hes stats and effects he healds fast! ... So please dont ok? Did you every wonder
Wahts with the dungeons!?
Its an house! and you ! Will be puniched for every time you invaded them, You might not realise but if you play minecraft who is the real monster!?
there only attak if you come close because there fear you:There do not break into your aehh homes anymore only in the NEw offical BEDROCK edition zombies have aengo enough and attak eagein agaiN!.
So fear The revenge :I will do from every a littel inteligend species a new boss! 12_59 12:59 and good luck:D now you see how long i writhe! OK!?
by ernstehrlich
+1 0
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Neuaufbau Ja|Nein
Neuaufbau Ja|Nein
Fallen Für Skywars (Schild)
by RedstonePhoenix
+1 0
-1 1
John Wartz:Kaltes Blut und ya i am outta good and cool names:Ple
An father taht tryed to protect hes son but... As he trew the rock at the,Sword, It was already too late.
07.11.2017 OK!? good lcuk ehh Luck with dieing he HAS AL L HES FRENDS WITh HIM YEAH! ok!?
by ernstehrlich
+1 0
-1 1
HD zje dkemdek.z
Prrrra shacka micoo prrrra shacka miiiii bum cha cha bum cha prrrrraaaa haaaa oooooo shacka micoo hem haaaa
by TaviAndra1924
+1 0
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