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How the Totem of Undying may be crafted

How the Totem of Undying may be crafted para Minecraft hecho por Michael241102

Placa de presión para peso ligero<br>
Bloque de oro<br>
<span style='color: #FFFF55; '>Frasco con experiencia</span><br>
Bloque de oro<br>
Lingote de oro<br>
Lágrima de ghast<br>
Lingote de oro<br>
<span style='color: #FFFF55; '>Tótem de inmortalidad</span><br>
How the Totem of Undying may be crafted
por Michael241102Michael241102
Not to expensive, but with spezial Material. Gold for the body, emeralds for it's eyes and th other stuff to save your life ;)

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