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Leonard Quarder The Undead revenge? (No wait taht is coming sooN

Leonard Quarder The Undead revenge? (No wait taht is coming sooN para Minecraft hecho por ernstehrlich

Wither squelette
Leonard Quarder The Undead revenge? (No wait taht is coming sooN
por ernstehrlichernstehrlich
Sorry pressed enter. 13:10 ... 07.11.2017 Dont even try to beat him with starting equipment:He can heal ! OK!? originally 100 health but Powered down ok!? The story:Ya know there wasnt always a nether fortreess and wither skeletons and as the fortress came there where no skeletons right!? Some times anormal but no other! thats because! : There all dead..:You did not but the Human/Steve/Wahtever tehre are. Race has Killed all of them or nearly:Some of them could escape and hide in the end,s I got ya right!? The end,s Of the nther nether. But that one did not he was awatching you : He cant entxhcah ehH Entchant but is a great worker with gol!d He has trained for THIS MOMENT! you did not know taht he existet and now you do! Be ready for an Final Showdown with The skeletons! maybe?.....You dont know who is next:And it wont be the Stray surely 13:14 Be suprised! Ok good luck and byew oh and i did wforget to writhte the texT!

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