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Craftable Creeper Spawn Egg

Craftable Creeper Spawn Egg para Minecraft hecho por RWboi

Hojas de roble<br>
Calabaza tallada<br>
Hojas de roble<br>
Hojas de roble<br>
Dinamita<br><span class='tooltip_attack_damage'>+23 Attack Damage</span><br/>
Hojas de roble<br>
Hojas de roble<br>
Antorcha de redstone<br>
Hojas de roble<br>
Generar creeper<br>
Craftable Creeper Spawn Egg
por RWboiRWboi
Notch himself said that the creepers' texture should be viewed as natural, crunchy and dry, like the leaves. And this is why I actually put leaves here.

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