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Command block crafting recipe

Command block crafting recipe pour Minecraft par R888isbest

Bloc de redstone<br>
Terre cuite orange<br>
Bloc de redstone<br>
Terre cuite orange<br>
TNT<br><span class='tooltip_attack_damage'>+23 Attack Damage</span><br/>
Terre cuite orange<br>
Bloc de redstone<br>
Terre cuite orange<br>
Bloc de redstone<br>
<span style='color: #FF55FF; '>Bloc de commande</span><br>
Command block crafting recipe
par R888isbestR888isbest
This is a crafting recipe for the famous command block and if you wanted to craft it you would need one tnt four orange terracota and four more redstoneblocks.

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