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Mass TNT Crafting Recipe

Mass TNT Crafting Recipe pour Minecraft par AdmiralEnsin_the_brewer

TNT<br><span class='tooltip_attack_damage'>+23 Attack Damage</span><br/>
Bloc de redstone<br>
TNT<br><span class='tooltip_attack_damage'>+23 Attack Damage</span><br/>
Grès lisse<br>
Grès lisse<br>
Grès lisse<br>
TNT<br><span class='tooltip_attack_damage'>+23 Attack Damage</span><br/>
Mass TNT Crafting Recipe
par AdmiralEnsin_the_brewerAdmiralEnsin_the_brewer
If you want lots of tnt for some reason, this is the recipe for you. Unlike some recipes which just let you cheat with infinite tnt (idk if they exist i just think they probably do) this one lets you craft tnt with some extra gravel and sand and a redstone block into more tnt. Search for creator AdmiralEnsin_the_brewer for more crafting recipes and commands

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