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Mooshroom of Diamonds (Custom Seed by Blockcrafter)

Mooshroom of Diamonds (Custom Seed by Blockcrafter) for Minecraft by Blockcrafter

Mooshroom of Diamonds (Custom Seed by Blockcrafter)
by BlockcrafterBlockcrafter
YAY! MY FIRST MCTOOLS CREATION! When you use this seed, there will be ONLY Mushroom biomes in your world. In the underground, there is LOTS and LOTS of Diamonds (I planned on also adding large amount of Emeralds, but since Emeralds only spawn in Extreme Hills biomes, I can't do that.). Also, this world has stone (to make Pickaxes and Furnaces) and Iron (to smelt and make pickaxes which you can mine ALL OF THOSE SWEET DIAMONDS WITH!). The only issue that I noticed (WARNING ITS A HUUUGEEEEE ISSUE) is that there is no wood! But there *might* be some wood since I didn't test the Seed. In case there is not any wood, you will have to have Cheats enabled to give yourself some.

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