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Quarz Sword Lv:5

Quarz Sword Lv:5 for Minecraft by ernstehrlich

<span style='color: #FFFF55; '>Dragon's Breath</span><br>
Ghast Tear<br>
Iron Sword<br><span class='tooltip_attack_damage'>+6 Attack Damage</span><br/>
Ghast Tear<br>
<span style='color: #FFFF55; '>Dragon's Breath</span><br>
Iron Sword<br><span class='tooltip_attack_damage'>+6 Attack Damage</span><br/>
Quarz Sword Lv:5
by ernstehrlichernstehrlich
Does: 20 Damage. And yes you Need Quarz sword Level 1 to make 2 and 2 to make 3 and 3 to make 4 and to make 5, You get the Picture.

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