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Soda for Minecraft by Fastpokemon7

<span style='font-style: italic; '>Soda</span><br><span class='potion_list'><span class='potion_positif'>Speed VII (0:15)</span><br/><span class='potion_negatif'>Slowness III (1:35)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Jump Boost CXXVIII (0:15)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Conduit Power (0:15)</span><br/></span><br><span class='tooltip_lore'>You will be really fast after drinking it but after you will be slowed for a long while like a crash</span><br/>
by Fastpokemon7Fastpokemon7
You will be slowed after 15 seconds for a while after speed like a crash

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