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Mine For Days

Mine For Days for Minecraft by RayofDarkness1216

<span style='font-style: italic; '>Mine for Days</span><br><span class='potion_list'><span class='potion_positif'>Haste C (**:**)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Night Vision (**:**)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Luck CXXVIII (**:**)</span><br/></span><br><span class='tooltip_lore'>Ever not mine fast enough? Or have enough time to search a whole cave?</span><br/>
Mine For Days
by RayofDarkness1216RayofDarkness1216
Every needed to waste space carrying the blocks needed for a haste beacon and stacks of torches? This potion allows you to mine to your heart's content, and can be rid of after a drink of milk.

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