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Potion of power

Potion of power for Minecraft by Oloscoper

<span style='font-style: italic; '>Potion of power</span><br><span class='potion_list'><span class='potion_positif'>Speed II (0:20)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Haste II (1:00)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Strength (1:00)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Jump Boost II (1:00)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Regeneration III (0:30)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Resistance (1:00)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Fire Resistance (0:30)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Night Vision (2:00)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Health Boost IV (1:00)</span><br/></span><br><span class='tooltip_lore'>A power whats give this potion is very helpful. Is very rare to find but if you have it and enemy is impossible to beat, use it.</span><br/>
Potion of power
by OloscoperOloscoper
if you have this use on fight like ender dragon

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