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Elytra crafting recipe???

Elytra crafting recipe??? for Minecraft by TrendyString700

Popped Chorus Fruit<br>
Lingering Potion of Slow Falling<br><span class='potion_list'><span class='potion_positif'>Slow Falling (4:00)</span><br/></span><br>
Popped Chorus Fruit<br>
Light Gray Banner<br>
<span style='color: #55FFFF; '>End Crystal</span><br>
Light Gray Banner<br>
<span style='color: #FFFF55; '>Bottle o' Enchanting</span><br>
Firework Rocket<br>
<span style='color: #FFFF55; '>Bottle o' Enchanting</span><br>
<span style='color: #FFFF55; '>Elytra</span><br>
Elytra crafting recipe???
by TrendyString700TrendyString700
I think that this would make sense...maybe...

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