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The ultimate potion

The ultimate potion for Minecraft by link2384

<span style='font-style: italic; '>The ultimate potion</span><br><span class='potion_list'><span class='potion_positif'>Speed V (∞)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Haste CXXVIII (∞)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Strength CXXVIII (∞)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Instant Health XXIX</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Jump Boost X (1:00)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Resistance V (∞)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Fire Resistance (∞)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Water Breathing (∞)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Night Vision (∞)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Health Boost CXXVIII (∞)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Glowing (∞)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Luck CXXVIII (∞)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Conduit Power (∞)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Dolphin's Grace (∞)</span><br/><span class='potion_positif'>Hero of the Village VI (∞)</span><br/></span><br><span class='tooltip_lore'>"The world's most powerful with mixed all the potions she had and made this potion"</span><br/>
The ultimate potion
by link2384link2384
The most powerful witch in Minecraft mixed to get her all of her potions and made the ultimate potion and thought it was to powerful so the witch buried it but with this command it will appear once again.

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